31-07-2023 | 17:48
I am on a mission to run across an entire continent. My dream involves every runner along my route, to inspire them to go after their own dream goals. I truly believe in transformation through sport and that's why I want to raise money for RIGHT TO PLAY. They tackle humanitarian issues through 'play' in African, Middle Eastern & Asian regions, in the places that urgently need help.
Myself and Paula (Jake's partner) have previously completed fund raising projects in Arusha, Tanzania, building Tumaini Pre School that houses 30+ kids, and volunteered at a local preschool. Our dream is to help people in need where possible. The perspective of 'need' in Europe vs a place like Arusha is unparalleled and when we think about the raw impact we can have, places like Arusha can be helped on an unbelievable scale. 

The number we raise on this page will be a measure of success to us, but the impact it will have to those in need will be unmeasurable.